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Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers

Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers

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Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers is a learning playlist that has been built around discovering the world of the arts in Blackpool and the Bronze Arts Award.Bronze Arts Award is a Level 1 qualification (in England) and is open to young people aged 11 to 25. To achieve the Award, young people collect evidence in an individual arts log/portfolio of their experiences, yours will be done through badges and online through this platform.Have you ever wanted to develop as an artist and discover your creative talents? Have you ever ventured out into Blackpool to see and experience what art across the town is on offer? Do you want to know more and celebrate Blackpool artists, past and present? Do you have a Blackpool arts skill you can share with others?This playlist will help you to think about and step in to the arts world of Blackpool.The adventure will allow you to:
  • Gain a greater understanding of the arts and achieve the Bronze Arts Award.
  • Take Part in arts activities and develop your creative skills.
  • Be the audience and experience the arts readily available in Blackpool.
  • Be creatively inspired by Blackpool artists past and present.
  • Plan and share your Blackpool arts skill with others.
You will be asked to provide a range of evidence to get your Award and to be recognised as a Blackpool Young Arts Adventurer. Evidence can include; links to videos, photographs, audio or online work as well as writing descriptions of your experiences.Photograpsh by https://clairegriffithsphotography.com/ Badge Design by https://www.dastbury.co.uk/
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
This badge is issued on completion of the five other badges being completed:Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers - Make A StartBlackpool Young Arts Adventurers - Take PartBlackpool Young Arts Adventurers - Take A LookBlackpool Young Arts Adventurers - Get InspiredBlackpool Young Arts Adventurers - Share A Skill
All evidence completed and assessed by the team.


Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union