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Private vs Social Housing

Private vs Social Housing

Achieving this badge means you have gained more knowledge that will help you either in your property search or when you are assessed by the Local Authority Housing for social housing. You will understand better things to watch out for in your private search that might suggest an unstable home. You will also get to know a bit more of what the housing assessment is and will understand your allocated banding when you apply.
Task no.1
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Complete the attached worksheet in your own time. Write down your own ideas of what you think the differences or even similarities between private housing and social housing might be.
Task no.2
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
Read through these scenarios and think about the pros and cons of each one. There are answers but don't look at them until the end:

Task no.3
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
Here is an information sheet explaining the process of Blackpool social housing. Read through and think about what circumstance best applies to you. When you apply for social housing, the info here can help you know ahead of time what will happen.


Private vs Social Housing
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