Activity 2 - Word Soup

Activity 2 - Word Soup

The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 tasks required for Word Soup activity which forms a part of the learning playlist Mereside ‘innit’. The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks include:
  • Shared their favoutite word.
  • Identified what word they have used the most this week and expressed why they think this is.
  • Reflected and maybe even researched what their name means and shared the story behind how they got their name.
  • Demonstrated and shared with us some creative word play by creating a word mash-up and describing what the new word means.
Completing these four tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the Word Soup badge and now well on their way towards achieving the overall Mereside ‘innit’ badge.
Tiene que terminar todas las tareas para conseguir la insignia
Tarea no.1
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
What's your favourite word and why?
Entra y comienza la misión
Tarea no.2
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
What word do you use most in a week? Why do you think that is?
Entra y comienza la misión
Tarea no.3
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
What does your name mean and/or share a story on how you got your name?
Entra y comienza la misión
Tarea no.4
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
Make a mash-up. Create one new word using two words and then create a description: example - ‘buzzchips’ - potato chips with popping candy on them!
Entra y comienza la misión


#share information
#share ideas
#create creative ideas
#demonstrate interest
Badgecraft alberga esta plataforma y la desarrolla junto con organizaciones líderes educativas. El consorcio Europeo desarrolla esta plataforma con la cofinanciación del programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea.
Cambiar a otro idioma:
Cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea