Welcome to Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers Silver Arts Award available now for Claremont Magic Club members.
Like the BYAA Bronze the BYAA Silver also has a Blackpool focus and is your chance to get a deeper understanding of the arts across Blackpool. Learn from local artists and those working in the cultural sector about a range of different arts, explore the rich heritage of the place through its venues, organisations and established creative industries. Make, create and grow your own arts practice and develop your leadership skills through realising a project.
This playlist covers Unit 2 of the Silver Arts Award and focusses on Arts Leadership.
BYAA Arts Leadership Project is your chance to develop and grow your leadership potential. Exploring, testing, realising and reviewing your own Arts Leadership Project. It gives you the opportunity to identify and lead on a project and this includes; planning, delivering and a project for others at the Magic Club.
It could be a series of workshops that you organise for others, a one-off event or activity, a performance, an exhibition, a club magazine or a social media campaign. The most important thing is that you organise it with the support of the staff team.
You can work on your own or as part of a team and you’ll have support where and when you need it.
Aktivitäten zu Fertigstellung
Schließe die folgenden Aktivitäten ab und erhalte Open Badge, um deinen Playlist- Fortschritt zu fördern
Who have you been working with? Who did you collaborate and communicate with? How was the communication process for the project? It is time to reflect and gather feedback.
Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität
Who have you been working with? Who did you collaborate and communicate with? How was the communication process for the project? It is time to reflect and gather feedback.
Du musst alle Aufgaben beenden, um den Badge zu erhalten
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Task 1: Who have you worked with to make the project happen and how have you worked with them? Who has benefitted from your leadership project?
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Task 2: What did you find difficult and what challenging issues did you face when working with others? How did you resolve them?
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Task 3: Provide evidence of how feedback was collected from those you worked with for your leadership project. Share how you collected and responded to feedback from those benefiting from the project.
Rear 1 Sherbourne Rd, Blackpool FY1 2PZ, UK
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