
Our Friends Electric - Skills Development & Growth Through Theatre


Our Friends Electric - Skills Development & Growth Through Theatre



The Electric Sunshine Project CIC is lead organisation for Blackpool’s newest community arts space; The Old Electric. Providing a unique location for creativity in the heart of Blackpool.

Offering shows to enjoy, activities to take part in, opportunities to learn, develop and grow, plus many more experiences besides; their purpose is to ensure that arts and creativity is accessible for all Blackpool communities.
So this is your chance to get involved!

Our Friends Electric is a learning playlist that provides a range of activities to encourage you to explore and experience The Old Electric.

It’s a chance for you to volunteer, take part and work with others, embrace new experiences and learning, consider your health and wellbeing as part of the experience and grow and recognise your improving confidence.

Aktivitäten zu Fertigstellung

Schließe die folgenden Aktivitäten ab und erhalte Open Badge, um deinen Playlist- Fortschritt zu fördern
Activity 1 - The Old Electric
3 Stunden
Vollständige Aktivität ansehen


Swagger is all about your confidence and invites you to reflect and share challenges to your confidence and the role that our programme has played in growing your confidence. 

21st Century Skill: Confidence in a variety of settings - to feel confident in different work and social settings.

Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität

Activity 5 – Swagger Erhalte diesen Badge

The owner of this badge has completed the required 5 tasks required for Swagger activity which forms a part of the learning playlist Our Friends Electric. 
The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks are built around the 21st Century Skill: Confidence in a variety of settings - to feel confident in different work and social settings.

More specifically it includes:
  • Reflected and shared times when confidence has been challenging for them.
  • Identified and shared responses and solutions to their own lack of confidence. 
  • Taken an online confidence self assessment test, shared their results and reflections. 
  • Identified ways in which their confidence has grown through their involvement in The Old Electric. 
  • Reflected and shared examples of how the arts can support people to improve their confidence. 

Completing these five tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the Swagger badge and completed all the activities and will automatically have earned the Our Friends Electric badge.
Du musst alle Aufgaben beenden, um den Badge zu erhalten
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Task 1: Can you identify times and situations where you have not felt so confident and why do you think this was?
Aufgabe Nr. 2
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Task 2: When faced with a crisis in your own confidence, what have been your ‘go to’ responses and solutions?
Aufgabe Nr. 3
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Task 3: Take the confidence self assessment test and share findings and what you think about the results? https://www.mindtools.com/ahqz3nl/how-self-confident-are-you 
Aufgabe Nr. 4
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Task 4: Can you identify ways in which your confidence has grown through your involvement with The Old Electric? Please share:
Aufgabe Nr. 5
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Task 5: Share examples of how you think being creative and expressive through theatre and the arts can support people to gain more confidence? 


Springfield Rd, Blackpool FY1 1QW, UK


#Is aware that individual behaviour, personal characteristics and social and environmental factors influence health and wellbeing
#participate in activities related to arts education
#perform activities to encourage teambuilding
#demonstrate confidence
#Take responsibility
#Can listen to others and engaging in conversations with confidence, assertiveness, clarity and reciprocity, both in personal and social contexts
#act responsibly
#experimental data gathering
#Learning to learn
#Anwendung von Wissen
#display confidence
#psychische Gesundheit fördern
#confidence showing
Aktivitäten: 5
Begonnen: 5
Absolvierte Playlists: 0
Zeit zur Vervollständigung: 15 Stunden

Ausführende Organisation

The Electric Sunshine Project
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