There is no escaping we exist in many different spheres and places and online has become one of them. This learning playlist has been developed to offer some reflection and guidance when considering the rules, safety and etiquette online. The main aim is to raise awareness, and to support you in identifying ways in which you can protect yourself and others while online, and a starting point for participating safely and in being authentic. The main thing to remember is that there is no difference between engaging and sharing in real-time and face to face online. The same rules apply; be respectful, know what you are sharing, where you are sharing, who you are sharing with, the source of your influence and be you. Never do or say online what you would not do or say offline, and remember once it is there, it is always there.
Activities to complete
Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
People often say a picture tells a thousand words - and that can be especially true when it's being shared online. Sometimes, we don’t fully consider everything that appears in an image before we post it, and that can give impressions we don’t want or reveal personal information we’d rather other people didn’t know. This is your chance to learn and reflect on the pictures you’re sharing online.
Get activity badge
The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 tasks for Image Issues that include:
- Reflecting on what information can be inadvertently shared in a selfie
- Identified where they share images online and considered their privacy settings
- Researched their own images online and reflected on what they found
- Considered and shared how they will may make changes to the images they share online
The holder of this badge has worked independently to research and share their findings. The evidence provided for each task shows how the holder worked on these topics.
Completing these four tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the Image Issues badge and are now on their way towards achieving the overall Netiquette badge.
You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
When you take a selfie, what things do you think about and why? Do you think just about how you look or also the other things in the background? Is there the possibility of accidentally revealing personal information about yourself?
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Share a list of apps and platforms where you post images of yourself online along with what kind of privacy settings you use.
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Google your own name (maybe even put the town or city you live in), and see if any images of you come up. Share where the images come from and what you discovered.
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Thinking about the last three tasks, reflect on what changes you might make to the images you share online in the future. Share with us what you will now change when sharing photographs online.