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Operation Odyssey - Module 3 - Communicating You!


Operation Odyssey - Module 3 - Communicating You!



Welcome to Operation Odyssey’s third training module; Communicating You! This training applies techniques and models from job-seeking programmes, youth and community work, psychology, theatre, comedy, training and coaching to offer a framework for even better presentation and interview skills and to build personal confidence and belief in YOU!

Attività da completare

Completa le attività seguenti e ottieni i badge per vedere lo stato di completamento della playlist aggiornato
Your Body, Your Voice
1 ora
Vedi l'attività


Welcome to Your Body, Your Voice Activity!
Communicating You! starts with understanding ‘listening’ as the foundation of good communication. We continue by exploring the ‘Mercedes Model’ to better manage our thinking, feelings and behaviour. We playfully experience our own ability to deliver a massage and how we communicate with each other and how we manage our state and energy before concluding by looking at body language through Virginia Satir’s Categories of Body Language and then conclude with the art of positioning.
Our approach to developing the competences is through experiential learning; practical exercises and experiences, followed by reflection and applying the learning.

Ottieni badge per l'attività

Your Body, Your Voice Ottieni questo badge

The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 tasks for Your Body, Your Voice that include:
  • Understanding the essentials to listening as the foundations of communication
  • Identify how the Mercedes Model can be used to achieve change
  • Described what can be done to change both personal state and energy
  • Considered Virginia Satir’s categories of body language to identify how they can be beneficial

The holder of this badge has participated in day1 of Module 3 of Operation Odyssey - Communicating You! and worked independently to reflect and share their responses and learning.

Completing these four tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the Your Body, Your Voice badge and are now on their way towards achieving the overall Communicating You! badge.
Devi completare tutte le attività per ottenere il badge
Task n.1
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
Out of the SIX essential reasons for listening, which one do you think come easy to you and which ones do you feel you need to work on?
  • Understanding the Message
  • Building Trust and Respect
  • Avoiding Misunderstandings
  • Encouraging Open Dialogue.
  • Enhancing Problem-Solving
  • Demonstrating Empathy
Task n.2
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
How can you use the ‘Mercedes Model’ to change things and to achieve change?
Task n.3
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
What can you do in your everyday life to change your ‘state’ and your ‘energy’?
Task n.4
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
Share an example of a situation you can best apply being ‘The Leveller’ and what outcomes can be expected?
Delivery Styles
1 ora


#Being attentive to body language
#come up with strategy to solve problems
#Encouraging self-confidence and demonstrates [a framed] flexibility in cultural and communicative behaviour
#adattare lo stile di comunicazione al destinatario
#Collaborating in teams
#arrange work on design planning
#reflect on learning process
#analyse body language and appearance
#Demonstrates an understanding of what lies behind the concepts of active listening and non-verbal communication
#apply active listening techniques
#Self-reflecting to determine own feelings and emotions and understands their impact on others
#active listening
#apply visual literacy
#Listening carefully to others, without judgement, interruption and, if possible, in an unbiased manner
#fornire un riscontro costruttivo
#determine energy needs
#arrange live presentation
#practising humour
#achieve marketing plan
Attività: 3
Iniziato: 4
Playlist completata: 0
Tempo di completamento: 3 ore


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