
2) Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers - Take Part


2) Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers - Take Part



This is an opportunity to take part in a range of different arts activities and describe the art activity you have taken part in and show the skills you have developed.Describe: What did you do exactly? Where did you do your activity? What did you learn from your arts activity? What skills did you develop/improve? What was the most enjoyable part? What are you more confident to do now?You can include pictures of you taking part in the arts activity, art work or performances you may have done.(remember when using photographs as evidence, to explain what is happening in the picture)
Four offers for online workshops:
Electric Sunshine ProjectAn introduction to juggling with Courtney Clowes, including how to juggle three balls, a background to the art of juggling, its history and why it is important to Blackpool as well as some tips to take your juggling even further including how to make your own juggling balls! Taylor Tries offers a beginners tutorial to juggling with three balls. 13.36 Blackpool Showtown introduce Yuri and Tonya Gridneff of Blackpool Circus School who take you through their tutorial of the 3 ball juggle. 2.45
Claire GriffithsExplore the power of photography using the camera that you have (A DSLR or even your phone!). We will look at some key components in photography such as; Light, Composition, Environment, Portraiture and self-portraiture. Finishing off with some free apps and tools that can take your image making to the next level. Claire introduces you to herself and her work as a photographer in Blackpool. 6.52 Sharp Shots Photo Club in this video demonstrate how to take a great colour photograph and the important elements to consider when taking colour photographs. 3.07
Tina DempseyThis creative drawing workshop (without a pencil in sight!) will be looking at the things that we enjoy and the stuff that isn’t so good. You will be going outside to make your own artworks using a range of materials, some you will be given, some you will have to find for yourself. Some of your photos will then be exhibited online to show our mini project. In this slide show video we are introduced to the land art and environmental art of Andy Goldsworthy. 2.16 Chalk 4 Change video on a climate a change message delivered through chalk on a pavement. 0.23
Just MimiThis will be a fun and interactive live workshop, exploring body movement, dance and creativity. We will laugh, we will drop our insecurities in a friendly and unconventional way. You will leave with a sense of achievement, feeling empowered, and those happy hormones will be at an all-time high. Blackpool Grand Theatres ‘At Home With You’ with Mimi introduces stretching through Yoga. It is also a chance to see Mimi. 13.07 Mimi shows us on Instagram how Yoga, Thai Chi and creative movement can be used to express yourself in dance. Approx 0.30

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Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers - Take Part Get this badge

This is an opportunity to take part in a range of different arts activities and describe the art activity you have taken part in and show the skills you have developed. Describe: What did you do exactly? Where did you do your activity? What did you learn from your arts activity? What skills did you develop/improve? What was the most enjoyable part? What are you more confident to do now?Workshops:Electric Sunshine Project: An introduction to juggling with Courtney Clowes, including how to juggle three balls, a background to the art of juggling, its history and why it is important to Blackpool as well as some tips to take your juggling even further including how to make your own juggling balls!Claire Griffiths: Explore the power of photography using whatever camera you have. We will look at some key components in photography such as; Light, Composition, Environment, Portraiture and self-portraiture and Apps.Tina Dempsey: This creative drawing workshop (without a pencil in sight!) will be looking at the things that we enjoy and the stuff that isn’t so good. You will be going outside to make your own artworks using a range of materials, some you will be given, some you will have to find for yourself.Just Mimi: This will be a fun and interactive live workshop, exploring body movement, dance and creativity. We will laugh, we will drop our insecurities in a friendly and unconventional way. You will leave with a sense of achievement, feeling empowered, and those happy hormones will be at an all-time high.
Jums jāpabeidz visi uzdevumi, lai iegūtu nozīmīti
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
1: Choose an arts workshop to attend and watch the recommended online tutorials. Record why you chose the art workshop you have chosen and what did you learn already from the online tutorials? You must attend ONE of the artist sessions:• Wed 5th Aug 11am-1pm – Juggling skills with Electric Sunshine Project• Wed 5th Aug 3pm-5pm – Photography with Claire Griffiths• Thu 6th Aug 11am-1pm – Creative drawing with Tina Dempsey• Thu 6th Aug 3pm-5pm – Creative movement with Just Mimi
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
2: Record (screen shots, videos, notes) of your participation in the zoom workshop and what you have learned and how it has helped you in developing your arts skills?
Task no.3
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
3: In the art form you have chosen research and identify an artist whose work you admire? Document why you like their work, who they are and what they do (include words, pictures and video links)?
Task no.4
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
4: Share a film or photograph and a summary of the final piece you have created. Share it also on The Magic Clubs Facebook page and Instagram feed if you like. Evidence your produced work and who you shared it with.


#choose artistic materials to create artworks
#circus dramaturgy
#landscape architecture
#selecting artistic materials to create artworks
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Time to complete: 8 hours


Magic Club

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Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers
Magic Club
Badgecraft vada tīmekļa infrastruktūru mācību pilsētām un reģioniem. Eiropas konsorcijs palīdz attīstīties platformai ar līdzfinansējumu ES programmā Erasmus+
Mainīt valodu:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union