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Competent Collaboration

Blackpool, UK

Competent Collaboration

Blackpool, UK


Collaborating with other people is when you work with other people to achieve a common goal or purpose. Most jobs need people to work together - sometimes with colleagues but also clients or customers - so that projects or tasks are completed. By learning how to collaborate effectively and work well with others, you improve your ability to contribute to being part of a team and making projects a success.

Ontvang een activiteitenbadge

Competent Collaboration Behaal deze badge

The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 tasks required for ‘Competent Collaboration’ activity which forms a part of the learning playlist ‘Working With Others.’ The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks include:
  • Learning about key skills for effective collaboration
  • Reflecting on a time they had successful collaboration and what contributed to that
  • Reflecting on a time they faced collaboration challenges and what contributed to them
  • Identified ways to collaborate more effectively in the future
Completing these four tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the Competent Collaboration badge and are now on their way towards achieving the overall Working With Others badge.
Om deze badge te behalen dien je alle taken te voltooien
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Watch this video giving seven tips for collaboration: 7 Tips for More Effective Collaboration What did you think of the 7 Tips?
Taak nr.2
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Think about a time when you’ve had to work as part of a team to achieve something. What were the things that went well and why?
Taak nr.3
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Thinking about that same experience you identified in Task 2, what were the things that were challenging and why?
Taak nr.4
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Now, thinking more about the 7 tips you heard in the video for Task 1 and your reflections for Tasks 2 and 3 on what went well and what was challenging in your own experience, give three examples of ways you will try to collaborate more effectively in the future.


Blackpool, UK


#collaborate on tasks
#Can reflect on and assess purposes, processes and outcomes of learning and knowledge construction, establish relationships across domains
#Communicate effectively
#communicating effectively and efficiently
Carrière en klaar zijn om aan het werk te gaan
Toegevoegd aan playlist (1)
Tijd om te voltooien: 2 uren


Think Forward

Gebruikt in playlists

Working With Others
Think Forward
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Mede gefinancierd door het Erasmus+ programma van de Europese Unie