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International Men's Day 2023


International Men's Day 2023



For International Men's Day 2023 the Think Forward team attended an event organised by United Youth Alliance in Blackpool. Using the themes identified by the national IMD working group, we worked with participants to co-create the first Cities of Learning IMD Playlist. We explored how we could encourage others to respond to the themes, identified what images would work best and what badge design they felt would work best. This learning playlist is the result of four co-creating workshops from the day. We would like to thank all the young people who contributed to the process and hope you find the playlist a great opportunity to learn, understand and discuss with friends, family and those who work with you.

Activiteiten om te voltooien

Voltooi de volgende activiteiten, verdien badges en je zult de voortgang van je playlist zien
Positive Conversations for Men and Boys
30 minuten
Bekijk volledige activiteit


This is your chance to share with us your thoughts and responses to 3 questions around 'health and wellbeing for men and boys' developed by the International Men's Day 2023 attendees.

Ontvang een activiteitenbadge

Health & Wellbeing for Men and Boys Behaal deze badge

For this International Men's Day Activity, particpants have shared their responses to why health and wellbeing is important for boys and men in Blackpool. Considered behaviours of people who are struggling and thought about activities that could help.
Om deze badge te behalen dien je alle taken te voltooien
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Besides talking to men and boys, what other things could show you that they are upset or struggling with their mental health? Draw an outline of a man and show on your diagram the sort of behaviour that you might notice.
Taak nr.2
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Please make a list of three physical activities that don’t cost too much that a man or boy could do to make their mental health even better. For each one, make a plan that you could follow to improve your mental health better.
Taak nr.3
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Why is health and wellbeing such an important thing for men and boys in Blackpool?


Blackpool, UK


#Encourages sharing and expressing using adequate methods
#advies geven over geestelijke gezondheid
#advance discussion in society
#Encourages learners’ self-reflection through role-modeling
#advies geven over gezonde levensstijlen
#Being transparent about their personal emotional state and sharing thoughts in a simple manner
#foster gender equality
Activiteiten: 5
Gestart: 3
Voltooide playlist: 0
Tijd om te voltooien: 3 uren 15 minuten


Think Forward
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