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Our Friends Electric - Skills Development & Growth Through Theatre


Our Friends Electric - Skills Development & Growth Through Theatre



The Electric Sunshine Project CIC is lead organisation for Blackpool’s newest community arts space; The Old Electric. Providing a unique location for creativity in the heart of Blackpool.

Offering shows to enjoy, activities to take part in, opportunities to learn, develop and grow, plus many more experiences besides; their purpose is to ensure that arts and creativity is accessible for all Blackpool communities.
So this is your chance to get involved!

Our Friends Electric is a learning playlist that provides a range of activities to encourage you to explore and experience The Old Electric.

It’s a chance for you to volunteer, take part and work with others, embrace new experiences and learning, consider your health and wellbeing as part of the experience and grow and recognise your improving confidence.

Aktiviteter å fullføre

Fullfør følgende aktiviteter og tjen merker, og spillelistefremgangen din oppdateres
Activity 1 - The Old Electric
3 timer
Vis full aktivitet


This is your chance to explore and discover The Old Electric, or if you already think you know the place, to check in and make sure. Visit the website, dive into the brochure, visit the place and discover what interests you most…

21st Century Skills: embrace learning to learn / ability to deal with ambiguity and changing circumstances / express yourself in writing / confidence (social) / confidence (tasks) / take responsibility

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Activity 1 - The Old Electric Få dette merket

The owner of this badge has completed the required 5 tasks required for Activity 1: The Old Electric activity which forms a part of the learning playlist Our Friends Electric. 

The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks built around the 21st Century Skill ability to demonstrate being proactive, research and demonstrate authentic curiosity about a place and the activities available.

More specifically it includes:
  • Demonstrate the ability to be proactive and share initial reasons for interest and curiosity.
  • Research and find out more about The Old Electric and shared their discoveries. 
  • Found out more about the organisation and the creative driving force behind The Old Electric. 
  • Visited and explored the venue and the artists involved in making the space what it is today.
  • Shared and articulated their impressions, expectations either in words, audio or video.  

Completing these five tasks means they have successfully worked to gain The Old Electric badge and are now on their way towards achieving the overall Our Friends Electric badge.
Du må fullføre alle oppgaver for å få dette merket
Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Task 1: Tell us what initially interested you about The Old Electric?   
Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Task 2: Visit the and explore the Whats On page and share with us what interests you most? What will be on your “things to do” and “things to see” lists? 
Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Task 3: Find out more about The Electric Sunshine Project and Melanie the Artistic Director. What have you discovered?
Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Task 4: Now book a visit to The Old Electric and take the audio tour (you’ll need your phone to access the QR codes). Find out more about the venue, its history and the creatives who have been involved in making it what it is today. What does it make you think and feel? What was your favourite piece of art or space in the building? 
Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Task 5: Were there things that were different to what/how you expected? How did this make you feel? If you were working in the venue, what would you do differently to help ensure audience and participant expectations are met? (This could be having some additional information online? Write, video or audio record a post that could go on their website to support future visits by others) 


Springfield Rd, Blackpool FY1 1QW, UK
Activity 2 - In Good Company
3 timer


#Is aware that individual behaviour, personal characteristics and social and environmental factors influence health and wellbeing
#participate in activities related to arts education
#perform activities to encourage teambuilding
#demonstrate confidence
#Take responsibility
#Can listen to others and engaging in conversations with confidence, assertiveness, clarity and reciprocity, both in personal and social contexts
#act responsibly
#experimental data gathering
#Learning to learn
#application of knowledge
#display confidence
#promote mental health
#confidence showing
Aktiviteter: 5
Startet: 5
Fullført spilleliste: 0
Tid på å fullføre: 15 timer


The Electric Sunshine Project
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