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Tenant's Voice Podcast


Tenant's Voice Podcast



Podcasts are a great way to create and distribute audio content over the internet. Generally made up of a series of episodes, podcasts cover a range of topics from news and politics to entertainment and education. Giving a voice to both individuals and businesses alike, podcasts are the perfect platform to project your voice, with no limits to its reach. This Tenant’s Voice Podcast Learning Playlist is designed specifically for creating a platform and training opportunity for Blackpool Coastal Housing residents.

Through this learning playlist you’ll discover all the basics of podcasting, including: -
  • how to plan your podcast
  • how to record your podcast
  • how to edit your podcast
  • how to distribute your podcast
  • how to promote your podcast

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Podcast Planning
6 timer
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Once you have your recording, it’s time to edit the file to create your final show.

Your final product should run smoothly, and conversation should flow. Removing ‘dead air’ (sustained periods of silence) from the recording keeps your listener engaged.

Through the editing process, you can also remove any parts of the recording that you don’t want to make the final cut, this could include bad language, or something said in error. As you record a podcast, the conversation should come naturally, although this can be dependent on the theme, audience and topic of your podcast there might be times when you drift off topic or say something you’d rather not have out in the public domain.

This activity will walk you through some of the processes involved in editing.

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Podcast Editing Få dette merket

The owner of this badge has completed the required 3 tasks for the learning playlist Podcast Editing. The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks include:
  • Why we edit our podcasts.
  • What to look for during the editing process.
  • How to remove sections or dead air without interrupting the flow.
  • Finding appropriate music and jingles for their show.

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Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
When removing sections of your recording, you need to think about the way that the words flow. You will need to consider what was said before, what is said after and how that affects the conversation as a whole.

Think of 5 examples of something you might want to cut out of your podcast to keep it flowing, relevant and engaging.

Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
In the following fictional transcripts, the guests have name-dropped people. For the purpose of anonymity, you need to remove the names. Highlight any sections of the conversation you would remove to keep it anonymous without ruining the flow of conversation.

Transcript 1
Host: Can you tell us about a time that you came up against an opposition to your protests?
Guest: Well, there was one man who was persistently at the protest camp trying to counter our efforts. He was an ex-policeman, Gary Sharples. He lived nearby and Gary didn’t think that there was any problem in digging for shale gas.
Host: How interesting!

Transcript 2
Guest: My friend from school has also come across some pretty damning evidence.
Host: Oh, I think I know who, Michelle, right?
Guest: Yes, that’s her.
Host: And did she ever take that to the authorities?
Guest: Unfortunately not, she didn’t see it to be as serious as it turned out to be

Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
If you’ve ever listened to podcasts, you probably associate your favourites with their jingles. There are several ways you can find or create a jingle for your show, but you need to be aware of copywrite rules and licences.

Which of the following do you think is acceptable for your show?
  • Music you have access to through Spotify.
  • Music you have bought on CD or digital download.
  • Music you created yourself.
  • Music from a royalty free website.
  • Music you have credited to the artist.
  • Music from the Radio.
  • Music you have purchased a licence for.


Springfield Rd, Blackpool FY1 1QW, UK


#anticipate distribution activities
#set up sound equipment
#hardware platforms
#test sound quality
#plan a music show
#attend editorial meetings
#acoustic sounds
#audio editing program
#apply specific writing techniques
#audio editing software
#application of social media marketing
#administer social media marketing
Aktiviteter: 5
Startet: 4
Fullført spilleliste: 0
Tid på å fullføre: 1 dag 10 timer


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