
1) Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers - Make A Start

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1) Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers - Make A Start



Attend the Introductory group ZOOM 1 - 29th July 2020Visit the following Arts Award Voice web links to find out more about the Bronze Arts Award; what to do, get inspired.Voice Magazine is the young people led online help platform for young people doing their Arts Award. Visit the site, sign up and take a look at the information available on Bronze: Arts Award gives you the chance to develop your arts skills and confidence through a range of activities.Remember: Bronze Arts Award is a Level 1 (England) qualification.Following the Introductory ZOOM meeting and visiting the links you can now complete the tasks to receive the Make a Start Badge.Badge Tasks:1: Write down/document what you are looking forward to in working towards your Bronze Arts Award?2: Write down/document what will be the biggest challenge for you in completing the Bronze Arts Award?3: Write down/document what will it mean to you to get your Bronze Arts Award?


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Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers - Make A Start Obter esta medalha

Attend the Introductory group ZOOM 1 - 29th July 2020Visit the following Arts Award Voice web links to find out more about the Bronze Arts Award; what to do, get inspired.Voice Magazine is the young people led online help platform for young people doing their Arts Award. Visit the site, sign up and take a look at the information available on Bronze: Arts Award gives you the chance to develop your arts skills and confidence through a range of activities.Remember: Bronze Arts Award is a Level 1 (England) qualification.Following the Introductory ZOOM meeting and visiting the links you can now complete the tasks to receive the Make a Start Badge.Badge Tasks:1: Write down/document what you are looking forward to in working towards your Bronze Arts Award?2: Write down/document what will be the biggest challenge for you in completing the Bronze Arts Award?3: Write down/document what will it mean to you to get your Bronze Arts Award?
Você precisa concluir todas as tarefas para receber a badge
Tarefa n.º 1
Evidência verificada por: um organizador de atividades
1: Write down/document what you are looking forward to in working towards your Bronze Arts Award?
Tarefa n.º 2
Evidência verificada por: um organizador de atividades
2: Write down/document what will be the biggest challenge for you in completing the Bronze Arts Award?
Tarefa n.º 3
Evidência verificada por: um organizador de atividades
3: Write down/document what will it mean to you to get your Bronze Arts Award?


#identificar os objetivos do projeto artístico
#research methodology
#proactive thinking
#creative thinking
#tecnologias da informação e da comunicação
Artes e cultura
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Tempo para completar: 5 horas


Magic Club

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Blackpool Young Arts Adventurers
Magic Club
A Badgecraft é a anfitriã desta plataforma e desenvolve-a em conjunto com as principais organizações educativas. O programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia concedeu um cofinanciamento para a construção da primeira versão desta plataforma. Contacto:
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Cofinanciado pelo programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia