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Clean up kit for Social action

296 Central Dr, Blackpool FY1 5JW, UK
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Clean up kit for Social action

296 Central Dr, Blackpool FY1 5JW, UK


Before you can start your Beach Clean Social Action you will need the correct equipment.
You will use this equipment when out on social action.
Equipment: gloves, litter picker, bag hoop, bin bags,
You will get equipment to use on the day of the beach clean, all you need to do is snap a picture of your equipment and upload it to receive your badge!

Obțineți insigna de activitate

Clean up kit for Social action Obțineți această insignă

Before you can start your Beach Clean Social Action you will need the correct equipment.
You will use this equipment when out on social action.
Equipment: gloves, litter picker, bag hoop, bin bags,
You will get equipment to use on the day of the beach clean, all you need to do is snap a picture of your equipment and upload it to receive your badge!

Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Before you can start your Beach Clean Social Action you will need the correct equipment.
You will use this equipment when out on social action.
Equipment: gloves, litter picker, bag hoop, bin bags,
You will get equipment to use on the day of the beach clean, all you need to do is snap a picture of your equipment and upload it to receive your badge!


296 Central Dr, Blackpool FY1 5JW, UK
#10 Sustainable Green Europe
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Time to complete: 20minute


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