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The Electric Sunshine Project
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Creative Skills - Arts Leadership
The Electric Sunshine Project
#provide leadership, #document evidence, #communication, #self-reflection, #reflect on actions, #self-awareness, #project management, #evaluation procedures, #take on a leadership role, #utilise evidence, #assess project plans, #reporting, #review information, #planning
The Electric Sunshine Project
#organise information, #demonstrate curiosity, #voice techniques, #photography, #set goals, #achieve goals, #set up sound equipment, #self-promote, #share information, #movement technique, #review artistic work, #theatre methods, #professional progression in an arts career, #planning
The Electric Sunshine Project
#confidence, #Is aware that individual behaviour, personal characteristics and social and environmental factors influence health and wellbeing, #participate in activities related to arts education, #perform activities to encourage teambuilding, #demonstrate confidence, #Take responsibility, #Can listen to others and engaging in conversations with confidence, assertiveness, clarity and reciprocity, both in personal and social contexts, #act responsibly, #experimental data gathering, #Learning to learn, #application of knowledge, #Wellbeing, #display confidence, #promote mental health, #confidence showing, #confidence
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