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Location, location, location

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Location, location, location

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In this activity you will learn how to choose the best place for a bee-friendly planter, use your creativity to decide on the type of container you will use and decorate it if you wish.

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This badge can be earned by participating in the activity and completing the tasks listed below.

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Task 1 
Explore your space to see where a planter box can go: on a window ledge, garden corner or patio? Which direction does it face and which would be the best position for growing the flowers you have chosen.
Task 2 - Choose a suitable container for sowing your seeds. WIll you buy or make one? What size planter do you need? . You can use your creativity here by using an unusual container or by decorating one.  Think about the dimensions of the container to make sure that there is enough room for your chosen flowers to grow. Remember to ensure that there are holes in the bottom for drainage to avoid the soil becoming waterlogged.
Task 3 - Take a photo of your container


#opredeljevati raziskovalne teme
#planting area preparing for planting
#insect studies
Okolje in ekologija
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Potreben čas za dokončanje: 1 uri


Urban Organic

Uporabljeno v seznamu predvajanja

Bee a hero
Urban Organic
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