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Operation Odyssey - Module 1 - Pathways to Effective Living

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Operation Odyssey - Module 1 - Pathways to Effective Living

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Welcome to Operation Odyssey’s first training module; Pathways to Effective Living. In this engaging and empowering 4-day course, you'll explore the transformative principles from Stephen Covey's renowned book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This course is designed to help you develop core personal and professional skills that are essential for success in today's fast-paced world.You’ll dive into key concepts such as emotional intelligence, proactive problem-solving, effective communication, and self-leadership. Each habit you learn will empower you to take control of your life, make more thoughtful decisions, and create meaningful connections.Join us on this journey toward becoming a more effective, empowered individual!

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Paradigms, Principles & Being Proactive
1 dni
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Welcome to Paradigms and Principles & Habit 1 – Be Proactive" Activity!
The starting point is diving into the foundations of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits: Paradigms and Principles before we begin the exploration of Habit 1 – Be Proactive. We'll begin by exploring how your paradigms, the way we see the world influence our thoughts, actions, and outcomes. You'll learn how aligning your life with solid principles can help you shift from reactive to proactive behaviour. Discover how to take ownership of your choices, focus on what you can control, and shape your own destiny. 
We will then unpack what it means to ‘Be Proactive’. This habit sets the stage for personal growth, helping you become more empowered to seize the opportunities, respond accordingly to different situations and be intentional in your daily life. Your chance to explore what it means to become ‘response-able’ and a purpose driven person.

Pridobite značko aktivnosti

Paradigms, Principles and Being Proactive Pridobi to značko

The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 tasks for Paradigms, Principles and Being Proactive that include: 
- Describing Covey’s foundations Paradigms and Principles 
- Reflecting on the learning from the exercise ‘Take a Step Forward’ and Shaggy’s Trial
- Described what it means to ‘be proactive’
- Considered and shared and example of when they have been proactive
The holder of this badge has participated in day1 of Module 1 of Operation Odyssey - Pathways and worked independently to reflect and share their responses and learning. Completing these four tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the Paradigms, Principles and Being Proactive badge and are now on their way towards achieving the overall Operation Odyssey - Module 1 - Pathways to Effective Living badge.
Da pridobiš značko, moraš opraviti vse naloge
Naloga št.1
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
Task 1: How would you describe the foundations of Covey’s 7 Habits; Paradigms and Principles?
Naloga št.2
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
Task 2: What did you learn from the exercise ‘Take a Step Forward’ and Shaggy’s Trial?
Naloga št.3
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
Task 3: What does it mean to ‘be proactive’?
Naloga št.4
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
Task 4: ‘Our behaviour is a function of our decisions, not our conditions’, are you able to share an example from where you have been proactive?


Henderson Rd, Weeton, Preston PR4 3LQ, UK
Begin with the End in Mind & Putting First Things First
1 dni


#proactive thinking
#personality development paradigms
#Questions/critically reflects on own values, personal motives and urges for solidarity, and aligns them with own actions to walk the talk
#Define priorities
#develop time management skills
#build effective cross-group cooperation
#Reflecting on own values and senses of belonging to increase self-awareness and understanding of difference
#Promoting communication and collaboration amongst the team members to nurture qualities and deal with resistance
#Sees the added value of such openness for his/her own personal and professional growth
Aktivnosti: 4
Začeto: 12
Dokončan seznam predvajanja: 0
Potreben čas za dokončanje: 4 dni


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