

Operation Odyssey - Module 1 - Pathways to Effective Living
Think Forward
#proactive thinking, #personality development paradigms, #Questions/critically reflects on own values, personal motives and urges for solidarity, and aligns them with own actions to walk the talk, #Define priorities, #develop time management skills, #build effective cross-group cooperation, #Reflecting on own values and senses of belonging to increase self-awareness and understanding of difference, #Promoting communication and collaboration amongst the team members to nurture qualities and deal with resistance, #Collaboration, #Sees the added value of such openness for his/her own personal and professional growth
Think Forward
#analyse needs of community, #Ihre Zielgruppe erforschen, #research community needs, #Bedarf der Gemeinde analysieren, #building community relations, #Knowledge of the needs of the community, #Works towards increasing trust and positive relationships to strengthen connections and networks between individuals and organisations in the community, #Identify the needs of target community which coincide with your skills, #der Gemeinde Unterstützung leisten
Bürgerschaftliches Engagement
Think Forward
#research community needs, #Ihre Zielgruppe erforschen, #building community relations, #Works towards increasing trust and positive relationships to strengthen connections and networks between individuals and organisations in the community
Bürgerschaftliches Engagement
Think Forward
#Knowledge of the needs of the community, #Bedarf der Gemeinde analysieren, #analyse needs of community, #der Gemeinde Unterstützung leisten, #Identify the needs of target community which coincide with your skills
Think Forward
#Being attentive to body language, #come up with strategy to solve problems, #Encouraging self-confidence and demonstrates [a framed] flexibility in cultural and communicative behaviour, #Kommunikationsstil an Empfänger oder Empfängerin anpassen, #Collaborating in teams, #arrange work on design planning, #reflect on learning process, #analyse body language and appearance, #Demonstrates an understanding of what lies behind the concepts of active listening and non-verbal communication , #apply active listening techniques, #Self-reflecting to determine own feelings and emotions and understands their impact on others, #active listening, #apply visual literacy, #Listening carefully to others, without judgement, interruption and, if possible, in an unbiased manner, #konstruktives Feedback geben, #determine energy needs, #arrange live presentation, #practising humour, #achieve marketing plan
Think Forward
#Kommunikationsstil an Empfänger oder Empfängerin anpassen, #come up with strategy to solve problems, #Collaborating in teams, #konstruktives Feedback geben, #arrange live presentation, #reflect on learning process
Think Forward
#arrange work on design planning, #achieve marketing plan, #practising humour, #apply visual literacy
Think Forward
#Listening carefully to others, without judgement, interruption and, if possible, in an unbiased manner, #active listening, #Demonstrates an understanding of what lies behind the concepts of active listening and non-verbal communication , #apply active listening techniques, #Encouraging self-confidence and demonstrates [a framed] flexibility in cultural and communicative behaviour, #Self-reflecting to determine own feelings and emotions and understands their impact on others, #determine energy needs, #Being attentive to body language, #analyse body language and appearance
Think Forward
#proactive thinking, #personality development paradigms, #Questions/critically reflects on own values, personal motives and urges for solidarity, and aligns them with own actions to walk the talk
Think Forward
#build effective cross-group cooperation, #Reflecting on own values and senses of belonging to increase self-awareness and understanding of difference, #Promoting communication and collaboration amongst the team members to nurture qualities and deal with resistance
Think Forward
#Define priorities, #develop time management skills
Think Forward
#Collaboration, #Sees the added value of such openness for his/her own personal and professional growth
Badgecraft betreibt diese Plattform und entwickelt sie zusammen mit Organisationen aus dem Bildungsbereich. Das EU Programm ERASMUS+ hat eine Ko-Finanzierung für die Entwicklung der ersten Version dieser Plattform gewährt. Kontakt support@badgecraft.eu.
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Ko-Finanziert durch das Erasmus+ Programm der Europäischen Union