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Personal development
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Think Forward
#adapt communication style according to recipient, #come up with strategy to solve problems, #Collaborating in teams, #give constructive feedback, #arrange live presentation, #reflect on learning process
Think Forward
#Acknowledging and dealing with unexpected learning moments and outcomes, #able to use learning strategies, #advocate social relationships, #build professional network, #communicating effectively and efficiently, #reflect on learning process, #Communicate effectively, #Can reflect on and assess purposes, processes and outcomes of learning and knowledge construction, establish relationships across domains, #Adaptability, #collaborate on tasks, #Can reflect on other people’s feedback as well as on successful and unsuccessful experiences to continue developing one’s potential, #accept feedback, #responding positively to difficult work situations, #able to use learning strategies, #advocate social relationships, #build professional network, #communicating effectively and efficiently, #reflect on learning process, #Communicate effectively, #Can reflect on and assess purposes, processes and outcomes of learning and knowledge construction, establish relationships across domains, #Adaptability, #collaborate on tasks, #Can reflect on other people’s feedback as well as on successful and unsuccessful experiences to continue developing one’s potential, #accept feedback, #responding positively to difficult work situations
Career and job readiness
Think Forward
#Acknowledging and dealing with unexpected learning moments and outcomes, #reflect on learning process, #Adaptability, #responding positively to difficult work situations
Personal development
Think Forward
#self-reflection, #reflect on learning process, #personal development, #think critically
Think Forward
#share information, #disseminate messages to people, #proactive thinking, #follow social media, #graphic designs, #communicate with targeted community, #utilise social media marketing, #create creative ideas, #communicate with target community, #reflect on learning process, #self-reflection, #think creatively, #news analytics, #personal development, #keep track of social media, #develop campaigns, #think critically
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union